My fav albums ever!!

Here I will show what my top 5 albums are! (not in order)
This album is very amazing in its own ways. The album likes to touch on certain topics like human nature and our origins as humans as a whole. the album itsself is a art form for people who has quite a distaste for this world and hating the concept of overcompliating certain subjects like gender, race, etc and it does it in a way people might not or might like.
This album is a vaperwave type genre album and it does it in a very intresting way. the album seems so calm yet odd at the same time and it puts me in a state of calmness everytime i listen to one of its songs. alot of the songs can make you feel some type of way like a fun yet very calming feeling.
This album is something you don't really come upon that much. this album is the best shoegaze album i've ever head and one of the most depressing thing to ever listen to. when you listen to this album you feel misarable and you feel like nothing that is what this music makes you feel. the philosophly behind the album is pretty neat as well.
This album is probably the most depressing album that has ever been made in my opinion. the album feels like it was made with such strong feeling and hate... its just such an amazing album and piece of art. when i listen to one song from this album i get such strong emotions and it overflows.
Jimi hendrix shaped the way rock was forever. He was the first person to ever use the guitar like he did and he did it in such a way that no one can ever do anymore. this album is what i think is his best one to ever come out.

My topster (Is subject to change overtime)